Creative Disease -
absurd, profane humor, strange ideas and surrealist art brought to you regularly.
Unless noted all work by David Holtek and Friends. Feel free to link and repost but only in a not-for-profit manner please.



Creative Disease -

making a case for anti-social counter-networking since 1998











PAST PAGES: - 70 - 69 - 68 - 67 - 66 - 65 - 64 - 63 - 62 - 61 - 60 - 59 - 58 - 57 - 56 - 55 - 54 - 53 - 52-- 51 - 50 - 49 - 48 - 47 - 46 - 45 - 44 - 43 - 42 - 41 - 40 - 39 - 38 - 37 - 36 - 35 - 34 - 33 - 32 - 31 - 30 - 29 - 28 - 27 - 26 - 25 - 24 - 23 - 22 - 21 - 20 - 19


MARCH 2009





words spilling out of pipes threaten to fill up Creative Disease





The lobotomizer's pick of the week


Joe's confession was small, obscured and far off the beaten path.

But he slept well that night.

Good old Joe.






  grimace sketch holtek




  excommunication pride shirt cartoon holtek


Sure to bring us out of recession - "Christian Salt"!

  christian salt cartoon holtek



  cruel republicans cartoon holtek


Sure, civil libertarians, human rights activists and truth seekers of all varieties might lament the 92 torture videos destroyed by the CIA but what about us??

Do those fools have any idea what I or some of my competitors in the torture/snuff film biz woulda paid for those beauties??

Naked, swarthy men being hog tied and whipped by hot GIs in cut-off fatigues??

Get OUTTA here!

God bless America - you always make the best porn and then out of a hypocritical sense of shame you destroy it and swear you'll never do it again......until the next time.

If there happen to be any Agency insiders out there reading this who know, perhaps, the whereabouts of similar celluloid gold - "Call me"

snuff film producer  



  fish cartoon holtek



RIP Uncle Al

A Cincinnati celebrity passed away yesterday.

That's me under the red arrow. I'm the one looking for pennies on the floor.

I loved make-believe then and I love it now.

Thanks for the memories Uncle Al.


Uncle Al group shot



FEB 2009




Breaker Breaker we got your copy

An intellectual property convoy

Break'n on thru to the money side








the fear of my childhood toys

keeps me inside

they guard the perimeter

making sure

I never age


london by MaRiLyN




  deutschland uber alice holtek



  shrunken head cartoon holtek




  pure evil cartoon holtek











They say the Milky Way most likely contains "billions of Earths"


I might never have been a lead actor in this production but I was definitely part of the crew.


The Self-Help section has committed mass suicide.

The History section is shaking its head at you.

Non-fiction, realizing it is a fiction, has an identity crisis.



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